Everything in the product is in this demo game: LINK
And yes, it comes fully scripted.

And they made 400k robux in the first month.
After puchasing, you will receive an email containing the file. After downloading the file, drag it into roblox studio and navigate to the README script. This will instruct you on how to set up the game.
This game file includes all of the following:

The devs made their game using our clicker simulator template...
> Egg System
> NEW: Trading System
> Pet Inventory System
> Clicking + Rebirth System
> Full UI
> NEW: Seasonal Pass
> Custom Pets
> Gamepasses and Dev products
> Codes + Settings
> Full Unique Map
> Unique Zones with working Teleport
> Leaderboards
> NEW: Titanic Pets (similar to Pet Simulator)
And more
Get A Closer Look

Unique Map

NEW: Quests + Pass
Create a seasonal pass that people can complete for rewards and boosts
New quests page that helps guide players through your game

Inventory System:
Pet Crafting (create as many tiers as you want)
Shows how many of each pet exists
Equip Best
Delete All
Unequip All
Craft All
Multi Delete
Simulator System
Rebirths + Rebirth Buttons + Gems Currency
Tapping + Auto Clicker + Super Auto Clicker
Codes - easily customizable in settings
Gamepass Shop

...And, everything is easily customizable through our easy to understand settings!
Eggs can cost any currency chosen (Robux Included)
Shows all pets in order of rarity
Boosts: Extra Lucky, Super Lucky, Ultra Lucky
Custom Hatching Animation
Global Luck Multiplier (modify in settings)

4 Custom Pets
8 Pre-set Rarities
Settings - Music, SoundFX, Trading, etc...
Secret Pets
Cute Pet Follow Animation
Currency to collect around the map

Sell OP Pets for Robux!

Trade players who have trading enabled
Enable and disable trading in settings

You can change the following...
What values you want to show on the Leaderboard
Number suffixes (M/B/T etc)
Color themes of buttons and background
Update time and min rank (100 default)
Money suffixes and prefixes (i.e. "$10" or "10R$" etc)
Chat Tags
Which value shows statues (and if they dance)
The folder location of specific values
The max value of a leaderboard (up to 8x10^55! thats 800 SpD)

4 in 1 Portal Package:
Free Portals - anyone can walk through any time!
Requirement Portals - require you to have atleast... (ex: 10,000 rebirths)
Gamepass Portals - cost robux to go through!
Purchase Portals - one time purchase for permanent access!
Everything saves, includes sound effects

Pet Index
Custom UI Showing what pets the player has unlocked from each egg.
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